Young Eagles
Get ready for the ride of a lifetime! The Experimental Aircraft Association's Young Eagles program offers FREE flights for kids aged 8-18. That's right, you heard it, free flights! Imagine soaring through the skies and experiencing the thrill of aviation firsthand. Not only is this an exciting adventure, but it's a chance to learn about the science and technology behind flight.
Stay tuned because we'll be planning our 2025 Young Eagles Rallys soon.
Contact our Young Eagles Coordinator at if you want to volunteer as a pilot or ground-crew or donate to our cause.
Email our Young Eagles Coordinator at with questions
The weather is perfect for a Young Eagles Rally!
We Need Pilots & Ground Volunteers
If you've never volunteered at one of our Young Eagles Rally's you don't know what you're missing. The smiles alone on these bright young individuals faces when they step out of the plan makes it all worth it.
To volunteer as a pilot or on the ground, please contact our Young Eagles Coordinator, JoAnn McCorkle, at or give her a call at (682) 365-5937
EAA Young Eagles Pilot Requirements
The Young Eagles pilot requirements are basic but MUST be followed.
Note, properly qualified and registered YE pilots receive an incremental 1 million dollars in insurance while flying at our Young Eagles Rally's
Be a current EAA® member and hold an appropriate airman’s certificate (sport pilot or greater).
Possess a current medical certificate (if applicable).
Be current to carry passengers in the aircraft you plan to use.
Have a current flight review.
Complete the Young Eagles registration form before the flight, including parent or legal guardian signature, and pilot signature.
Conduct flights in an aircraft that is in airworthy condition.
Have aircraft passenger liability insurance for the aircraft used (owned, rented, or borrowed) with $100,000 per seat coverage.
Adhere to all applicable Federal Air Regulations (FARs).
Complete both the online training and basic background check as a part of EAA’s Youth Protection Policy. For more information visit
Are Young Eagles Flights Safe?
Our Goal: The goal of a Young Eagles flight is to give youth a safe and pleasant experience that will make them a fan of aviation and all the goodness it brings. We'd love it even more if they elect to engage with the EAA and EAA 34 after their flight. See our Chapter Events & Projects page for upcoming opportunities to further engage with our chapter. You don't even have to be a member to attend.
Our Goal: The goal of a Young Eagles flight is to give youth a safe and pleasant experience that will make them a fan of aviation and all the goodness it brings. We'd love it even more if they elect to engage with the EAA and EAA 34 after their flight. See our Chapter Events & Projects page for upcoming opportunities to further engage with our chapter. You don't even have to be a member to attend.
Safety: Safety is paramount when it comes to flying, especially when youth are involved. Our chapter, EAA 34, has safely flown over 3,000 youth during our Young Eagles Rally's over the past 30 years. We know what we're doing. Below are some of the steps we take to make every Young Eagles flight as safe as possible.
We don't perform any tricky or complex maneuvers nor do we fly in formation with any other aircraft during our flights.
The aircraft we fly in are General Aviation aircraft that are relatively easy to fly. They're generally not not high performance vehicles; i.e., more of a Chevrolet vs. a Ferrari.
-The routes we fly are simple, planned in advanced, in close relative proximity to the airport of origin and take about 30 minutes or less to complete. They must also originate and end at the same airport with no stops in between.
We "right size" our Rally's to avoid having too many aircraft in the air at one time as well as all the other complexities and risks that come with managing an event beyond our capacity.
All pilots must have passed a criminal background check and have taken a safety course before they're allowed to fly our Young Eagles. Many of our ground crew volunteers have done the same. These are renewed once every 3 years.
All pilots and their aircraft must be legal and current in all regards to FAA rules and regulation; i.e., pilot medicals, aircraft inspections, etc...
An experienced pilot is designated as our Flight Coordinator prior to each Young Eagles Rally. This person is responsible for working with our Young Eagles Coordinator to plan flight related logistics, including planning the flight path we'll be taking that day and a review of all safety procedures pilots and ground volunteers must follow. This information is sent to our volunteers prior to the rally, plus our YE Flight Coordinator will hold a briefing the morning of the rally with pilots and volunteers to review the agreed logistics and safety measures all will follow.
We watch the weather. As weather is a critical factor in determining how enjoyable and safe a flight can be, we watch the forecast and weather for the day to determine if flying conditions will be safe and comfortable for our Young Eagles. Pilots are also asked to report on any concerning weather conditions they may experience during their flights. If the weather isn't right, we won't hesitate to cancel or discontinue a Rally.
As with all endeavors in life, there are inherent risks associated with flying in an airplane no matter how big or small. We hope the information above helps you better understand how serious we take making each Young Eagles flight as safe as reasonably possible.
If you have any follow-up questions please Email our Young Eagles Coordinator at